Join us as Pastor Lizzy Helfrich continues our series on The Gifts of The Spirit. This message she teaches on the gift of Diverse Tongues. I am sure you will…
Join us as Pastor Lizzy continues the series on Gifts of the Spirit. This week she teaches about Gift of Faith.
In this sermon, Pastor Lizzy goes into incredible detail about what the Gift of Discerning of Spirits really means. This gift is the last of the Revelation Gifts. The Gifts…
In this teaching, Pastor Lizzy ministers on the continuation of the Gifts of the Spirit; in particular the Word of Wisdom. Listen to this dynamic teaching and the incredible testimonies…
In this teaching, Pastor Lizzy describes how the Word of Knowledge operates as one of the nine Gifts of the Spirit. She gives personal, as well as biblical examples of…
In this teaching, Pastor Lizzy speaks about the benefits and importance of operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Operating in these gifts edifies and exhorts the Body of…