Courts of Heaven Part 3
Lord Jesus, as we stand before you, we thank you Lord that we can come before you as father, as friend and as judge. Thank you for the realms of the spirit that are open to us. The secret place the counsel of the Lord, but the courts of heaven. Even as we have already stepped into this place, this realm of the spirit called the COH we would ask you Lord that any legal right the devil would be claiming that would be denying us what is rightfully ours, we would ask Lord, that there would be revelation that would come.
Lord we repent of any sin of any transgression that we might be guilty of. We thank you Lord, that according to the word of God, the blood of Jesus, the blood of sprinkling, is speaking better things than that of Abel. Lord your blood is peaking on my behalf. Lord even as I repent and bring things to the light, I thank you Lord that your blood keeps on cleansing me from every unrighteousness. Lord I ask that every voice that would be speaking against me in the courts of heaven lord claim a right based on sin and transgression, Lord let it be recorded that I acknowledge my sin. I confess my transgressions and I ask oh god for the blood of Jesus to now cleanse and to silence these voices and to revoke their right to speak against me. Let every spirit of guilt, shame, lust, condemnation, or witchcraft let it come off now in the name of Jesus as I stand before you. Lord I now come and I ask that any inequities thing in my past lord I would ask that your blood would speak on my behalf. Lord anything that I need to be aware of, I would ask Lord that you would unveil it Oh God, that you would reveal it Oh God that I may deal with it Oh God. Lord, my heart is to repent before you. And any place in my bloodline that the enemy has used something legal to resist your purposes, would you help me Oh God. Would you reveal, would you purge, would you cleanse oh God and would you let the blood of Jesus speak on my behalf. Lord, I thank you for this Lord. As I stand before your court, the blood of Jesus, your blood Lord Jesus is speaking for me. Thank You so much for the blood. Any and every atrocious thing that would be in my bloodline forgive me oh God. cleanse me oh God and let the legal rights of my adversary now be cancelled and removed lORD. Any shedding of innocent blood that would be a part of my heritage, would you please let your blood lord speak on my behalf. Any whose lives were taken, Lord I'm asking that you would forgive and that your blood would speak and every demon power that would be claiming a covenant right against me, let that voice be silenced in Jesus name! Let it be recorded in your courts that the blood of Jesus is now speaking in regards to this. Hallelujah! Thank you for new realms of breakthrough and new realms of answered prayer. Amen!